Saturday 17-April (6pm): Shoppers Paradise? No - trapped under one roof for 6 hours!

I love shopping. More and more and more, I love shopping... but really truly only if you can actually afford to buy anything. The prices at the Hong Kong airport border on obscene. So – nice 'looking' during my 6hr layover… but I didn’t buy one thing. Not one. And proud of it! Cartier. Marc Jacobs. Tiffany & Co. Burberry. Tumi. Those are all nice for the people who can spend $600 on a thin cotton scarf… but I don’t know who those people are! And knowing I’ll be on my beloved Commercial Street in Bangalore all afternoon tomorrow, why in the world would I buy anything here? I abandoned the shopping mission and opted instead for a Chinese massage. Little did I know, it would render me barely able to walk the next day.

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